How to Know Benefits of Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy

How to Know Benefits of Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy

Cranial sacral therapy is the subtle massage and manipulation of the cranial bones and spine to encourage the body to return to natural cranial rhythms. Therapists, physicians, chiropractors and even dentists report that the treatment has a positive effect on illnesses as wide ranging as hip injury and personality disorders.


Understand the theoretical basis of cranial sacral therapy, which involves gentle movement of the spine to increase the regulated flow of cereobrospinal fluid throughout the body's central nervous system. The treatment requires the movement of cranial bones, parts of the spine and the sacrum, or triangular bone that rests in the middle of the pelvic bone.


Refer to cranial research and practitioner organizations such as the Cranial Academy and the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association to find research on conditions that the therapy benefits. These organizations claim that the treatment helps chronic pain in the neck and back, TMJ Syndrome, hip pain, long term effects of trauma, migraines and many other conditions.


Pay attention to the criticism of this therapy, especially when it comes to basic question as to whether cranial bones are mobile. This is the most important question regarding the potential benefit of cranial sacral therapy since the idea of cranial mobility underlies the entire system.


Watch a treatment session at one of the prominent cranial sacral centers such as the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation or the Upledger Institute. Alternatively, contact the Cranial Academy of the American Academy of Osteopathy to find a practitioner near you, so you can discuss the benefits and do a trial session with a practitioner.

How to Kill Head Lice Without Using Chemicals

How to Kill Head Lice Without Using Chemicals

When you or your kids get lice, you'll want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Lice can spread easily and your
will not be allowed to return to school until you have killed the infestation. Use these methods to get rid of lice naturally without using chemicals.


Purchase a jar of mayonnaise. The brand name doesn't matter, but you do want to get enough to treat all parties in your household. Keep the mayo out of the fridge.


Put a generous amount of mayonnaise on all parts of the hair. Be sure to get it behind the ears and on the back of the neck during treatment.


Place a shower cap over the hair after you have applied the mayonnaise. The shower cap keeps the mayo from dripping off.


Leave the mayonnaise on your hair for an 1 1/2 to 2 hours. During this time, the mayonnaise smothers the lice. After a couple hours, rinse the mayo out of the hair. Shampoo the hair and then rinse again.


Use a nit comb to go through the hair. To get all of the eggs and remaining lice out of the hair, you need to comb each strand of hair with a nit comb. You can find these combs at any pharmacy.

Tips & Warnings

For very young children, you'll especially want to use natural methods to kill head lice. Many of the chemical lice removers have warnings against using them on children under the age of 3.

You need to treat everyone in your household in order to get rid of the lice completely. Even those who don't shows signs of head lice could be harboring it.

How to Kill a Headache With Cayenne

How to Kill a Headache With Cayenne

Experience a headache and you know how quickly one can ruin your day. Drugs help, but many can have long-lasting side effects that make you drowsy or feel worse in some other way. Switch to an all-natural approach that is just as effective, but comes from your spice rack, instead of your medicine cabinet.


Use capsaicin, the compound found in cayenne, which provides the heat, to correct your headache. By cutting off the sensors in your brain, cayenne will get rid of your discomfort.


Add a Вј teaspoon of cayenne powder in approximately 4 ounces of warm water. This will dilute the mixture enough that you don't experience too much discomfort from the heat of the capsaicin.


Dunk a cotton swab or Q-tip in the solution and stir it around, fully coating the cotton.


Apply the moist cotton swab to the inside of your nostrils, lightly gliding it over the inside. Stop when you can really smell and feel the heat being given off by the cayenne.


Sit down and relax, the mixture will burn, which tells you it is working. Though the initial reaction to this may be unpleasant, it is effective and safe to kill a headache with cayenne.


Recover from the heat in your nose and you will find that you have also recovered from your nasty headache.

Tips & Warnings

Do not go too far on the inside of your nose. The further up you put the concentrated solution, the more it will burn.

How to Kick Colitis With Herbs

How to Kick Colitis With Herbs

It’s not fun to have a bout of colitis, where your colon becomes inflamed and you suffer from diarrhea or constipation and sometimes cramps. Food allergies, too much junk food and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables, too much meat and often stress can cause colitis. Because this is an inflammation, you can gain relief by taking anti-inflammatory herbs. If you avoid dairy, fried and spicy foods, you can get yourself off to a good start in conquering this unpleasant malady; here's how.

Things You'll Need:

Plantain leaf

Marshmallow root

Yellow dock root

Chamomile flowers



If your diet does not generally include fresh fruits and vegetables, add several servings of these healthful foods every day.


If your colitis includes constipation, be sure to eat prunes and add some bran to your breakfast cereal.


If you get diarrhea, drink green tea, take 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before meals, or take grapefruit seed extract in tablets or capsules. Lemon juice can also be effective: squeeze 1 lemon and add it to 1 cup of water. Drink 3 to 5 cups of this “lemonade” each day.


Make an herbal tea with 1 tbsp. each of plantain leaf, marshmallow root and yellow dock root. Mix these herbs with 2 cups of water and simmer it for 20 minutes. After you turn off the heat, add 1 tbsp. of chamomile flowers. Cool, strain and take 1 cup two to three times each day.


Do some stretching exercises and learn to relax.


Do not eat fried food, food that is highly spiced or foods containing cow’s milk.

Tips & Warnings

Gently massage your abdomen every day for 5 to 10 minutes to keep that part of your body relaxed.

This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The use of herbal products should not be taken lightly. Always consult a qualified health care practitioner before using any herb, especially if you are pregnant or nursing or if you are taking any prescribed medications.

How to Keep Yourself Healthy Even When Your Mate's Ill

How to Keep Yourself Healthy Even When Your Mate's Ill

One of the most difficult things about living with a sick mate isn't trying to take care of them; it's making sure you don't get what's ailing them. You can help to nurse your partner back to health while taking precautions to protect yourself.

Things You'll Need:


Vitamin C

Ginger ale

Chicken soup



Hand sanitizer


Tell your mate to alert you when she's feeling under the weather immediately, before a full-blown illness occurs.


Stock up on common homemade remedies such as ginger ale (for upset stomachs), vitamin C and chicken soup for your mate. For yourself, buy Airborne, echinacea and hand sanitizer. You can both benefit from throat lozenges and over-the-counter medicines.


Open up your home for fresh air (weather permitting) once you're home. Keep your home aerated.


Create a "get well" area in your home for your mate, such as your bedroom or a den, where he can have access to a bed or couch, television, magazines and bathroom.


Keep most of your doors open to cut down on the number of times your mate will spread germs to your doorknobs.


Separate personal items, such as pillowcases and toothbrushes, from the sick person. If your mate has been in bed all day, use a spare pillow and pillowcase from the linen closet or sleep in a different room.


Be extremely cautious about touching your eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Wash your hands thoroughly before you prepare food or eat anything, particularly after you've interacted with your mate or come into contact with anything he may have touched.


Establish a vitamin and supplement regimen that should last from the time your mate informs you of that she is not feeling well until after she has returned to health.

Tips & Warnings

Many people with sick mates still want to give their mate affection when they're sick. Though hugs and cuddling can be okay,
should be avoided until your mate is no longer contagious.

How to Keep Your Thyroid Healthy With Herbs and Lifestyle

How to Keep Your Thyroid Healthy With Herbs and Lifestyle

Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland situated in your neck underneath your Adam's apple. It's really small and weighs only one ounce. However, it serves a very important function--to take iodine from the foods that we eat and convert it into hormones. These hormones are responsible for things like weight regulation, fertility, metabolism, growth and keeping your body temperature regulated. If the thyroid is out of whack, any number of these body functions could also be out of whack.

If you think you have something wrong with your thyroid, the first thing you should do is a see a doctor for tests. Meanwhile, you can make sure your thyroid stays healthy by taking the following suggestions.

Things You'll Need:

Seaweed, especially kelp

Oatstraw (Avena sativa)

Sea salt, non iodized

Say "no" to chemicals and artificial sweeteners

Say "no" to meat with hormones

Fish and healthy fats



Kelp, also called bladderwrack, comes from the sea and is a very good source of iodine. As mentioned above, iodine is essential for a healthy thyroid. If you're taking kelp, just don't get too much sodium in your diet. Not every source of sodium has iodine in it. And even if it does, you run the danger of getting too much.


Oatstraw or avena sativa in Latin is also an important herb for healthy thyroid function. It's great for the nerves and is also helpful for boosting sexual function. This is mainly for those who are irritable or have a decreased sexual function due to a low thyroid.


Iodized salt is the worst thing to use if you want to keep your thyroid healthy. Even though the gland needs iodine, too much of a good thing can be a problem. Instead, use sea salt, which has a nice balance of minerals that will help support your body. But don't overdo it--too much of a good thing is not any good at all.


When making food choices, skip things that are rich in chemicals and highly processed. Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners should absolutely be avoided. The body can't process these chemicals and it ultimately affects the thyroid.


Another thing that is bad for the thyroid gland are the hormones that are found in meats and poultry. Avoid them. Nowadays, even supermarkets carry hormone-free options which makes it even more affordable.


Fish, nuts, flaxseeds and anything else that is rich in healthy fats are great for the thyroid. Have at least three servings of fish a week or one small serving of nuts and flaxseeds each day to help boost your health and metabolism.


It is important to detox your body at least twice a year. I am not a proponent of harsh systems. I prefer to step back and examine my eating habits for about one week in the spring and one in the fall. I eat more fruits and vegetables during this time and focus on
healthy food
choices. This does a good job in eliminating toxins from the body without deprivation.

Tips & Warnings

Following a healthy diet, avoiding chemicals, exercising and eating seaweed--the perfect prescription for increasing thyroid health.

Make sure you consult a doctor about your thyroid regime.

How to Keep Your Inner Child Alive

How to Keep Your Inner Child Alive

Have you ever watched a child and felt a little envy at their ability to find wonder in the simple things? If you have, then your have over-controlled your inner child. Inside each of us is a child, full of awe and wonder. That part of our inner child should be allowed the freedom to express his wonder and amazement. We become so busy in our every day activities we forget to enjoy the
around us.

Things You'll Need:



Bright Colored Picture Frames

Whimsical items

How to Keep Your Inner Child Alive


Items around your house can trigger emotion. We all know a picture of a parent who is passed on can bring forth all sorts of emotions, depending on our own day. To release the happy child in us all we need objects which will send us into wonder and awe.


It is a rainy day and you are feeling blue. Take time out and a couple of dollars and go to the nearest dollar store. Buy a bouquet of bright colored balloons. You will be surprised by how happy you feel. When the bouquet begins to sag, get rid of the balloons. You will sag emotionally when they do.


The sun is shining and you are indoors. Take a break and get outside.
If you are deep in the canyons of a city, buy yourself a single stem bud and put it on your desk. As the bud opens you will feel your inner child appreciate the beauty of nature. If you live where you can get out and take a walk on your break, make sure you walk on a nature filled pathway. We often live in the middle of beauty and fail to see it.
Look for bright flowers, colored rocks and lady bugs.


In your home, strategically place whimsical items. A few such items might be a figurine of a fairy, a candle decorated like the sky with clouds, a gum ball machine, picture frames in bright colors which surround the happy faces of your
, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. Every time your eye catches one of these items your inner child will bring a smile to your face.

Tips & Warnings

Men can trigger their inner child with a mitt from baseball and an old baseball or bat. Continue their hobby of collecting baseball cards.

Pull out a jigsaw puzzle, turn off the TV and the computer. Put together the puzzle. You may even draw in your family.

Get out your favorite game and set it up.

If you are alone, find a favorite book from childhood and read it again.

Be creative and enjoy this part of your personality. You will find living life a lot more enjoyable.

Be sure you moderate your inner child. She may like coming out so much you have to limit her time.

Make certain you only allow your playful inner child to come out. You do not want the pouter, whiner or tattler to emerge.

How to Keep Your Feet Happy

How to Keep Your Feet Happy

Keeping my feet happy is considered my obligation as far as I'm concerned. For almost my entire life my feet have had to carry my weight and deal with my abuse, and it wasn't until I developed a painful bunion that I realized my feet will let me know when they're not happy. Since then, I've done what I had to do to keep my feet smiling because when my feet are unhappy, I'm unhappy too. Below is a list I'd like to share with you, a list of things you can do to keep your feet grinning from toe-to-toe.

How to Keep Your Feet Happy, by Grace Covelli


Wear Shoes Your Feet Will Feel Comfortable InThe human foot is made up of twenty-six bones, two sesamoids, seventeen muscles, one hundred and seven ligaments, twelve tendons, nerves, fascia, connective tissue, and a supply of blood. To try and squeeze all that into a too small shoe would be an injustice. According to some experts, anyone who wears ill-fitting shoes or high heels may wind up with foot disorders that place the body under stress. Wearing shoes your feet will be comfortable in is one very important way to keep your feet happy.


Give Your Feet Some TLCPamper your feet with a foot soak. Add a handful of Epsom salts and an essential oil of your choice to water and allow feet to soak for five to ten minutes. You may want to scrub calluses with a pumice stone afterwards and trim toenails. Wash feet, dry and apply a moisturizer.


Treat Your FeetGive your feet (and your body, mind and soul) the gift of reflexology. Having your feet rubbed is an extremely relaxing experience. Just think of how wonderful it would feel to have the seven thousand plus nerve endings in your feet gently stimulated. Reflexology will allow your tired feet to take a break while it transports you to a tranquil place.


Give Your Feet a CheckupTake note of any foot disorders that may appear. Watch for ingrown toenails. Most likely, you will be alerted to this problem as ingrown toenails can be painful. See a podiatrist if you're having problems with your feet.

Tips & Warnings

1. Before you add an essential oil to your foot bath, make sure it's safe to use. Some essential oils are not recommended for use if you are pregnant, or if you have an existing medical condition.

How to Keep the Fungus, Peeling and Blisters Away from your Feet for Construction Workers

How to Keep the Fungus, Peeling and Blisters Away from your Feet for Construction Workers

Do you Suffer from "Fungus Feet"? Have you tried all over-the-counter sprays and powders for feet? Hard to keep the moisture out of your boots and away from your feet? Read on to learn how to keep the fungus away from your feet.

Things You'll Need:



Baby Powder or Corn Starch

Clean, Dry Feet

How to Keep the Fungus, Peeling and Blisters Away from your Feet for Construction Workers


Sprinkle Baby Powder or Cornstarch in the bottom of your shoes and spread evenly throughout.


Next, sprinkle Bably Powder in your socks before putting them on your feet, daily.


If you have excessive moisture, sprinkle your boots daily. If not, sprinkle 1-3 times per week.


Keep your feet clean, soft and happy--use a pumice stone and foot scrubber on your feet at least once a week!

Tips & Warnings

Shake the powder throughout the feet of your socks, and the insides of your shoes to spread evenly.

The baby powder or the cornstarch will keep the moisture in your feet down, which causes the fungus. Sometimes, the powders and sprays for feet do not work, and a more natural "sponge" and skin softener will work for the blistering and peeling.

The cleaner you keep your feet, the less likely you are to acquire a fungus.