How to Keep Your Inner Child Alive

How to Keep Your Inner Child Alive

Have you ever watched a child and felt a little envy at their ability to find wonder in the simple things? If you have, then your have over-controlled your inner child. Inside each of us is a child, full of awe and wonder. That part of our inner child should be allowed the freedom to express his wonder and amazement. We become so busy in our every day activities we forget to enjoy the
around us.

Things You'll Need:



Bright Colored Picture Frames

Whimsical items

How to Keep Your Inner Child Alive


Items around your house can trigger emotion. We all know a picture of a parent who is passed on can bring forth all sorts of emotions, depending on our own day. To release the happy child in us all we need objects which will send us into wonder and awe.


It is a rainy day and you are feeling blue. Take time out and a couple of dollars and go to the nearest dollar store. Buy a bouquet of bright colored balloons. You will be surprised by how happy you feel. When the bouquet begins to sag, get rid of the balloons. You will sag emotionally when they do.


The sun is shining and you are indoors. Take a break and get outside.
If you are deep in the canyons of a city, buy yourself a single stem bud and put it on your desk. As the bud opens you will feel your inner child appreciate the beauty of nature. If you live where you can get out and take a walk on your break, make sure you walk on a nature filled pathway. We often live in the middle of beauty and fail to see it.
Look for bright flowers, colored rocks and lady bugs.


In your home, strategically place whimsical items. A few such items might be a figurine of a fairy, a candle decorated like the sky with clouds, a gum ball machine, picture frames in bright colors which surround the happy faces of your
, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. Every time your eye catches one of these items your inner child will bring a smile to your face.

Tips & Warnings

Men can trigger their inner child with a mitt from baseball and an old baseball or bat. Continue their hobby of collecting baseball cards.

Pull out a jigsaw puzzle, turn off the TV and the computer. Put together the puzzle. You may even draw in your family.

Get out your favorite game and set it up.

If you are alone, find a favorite book from childhood and read it again.

Be creative and enjoy this part of your personality. You will find living life a lot more enjoyable.

Be sure you moderate your inner child. She may like coming out so much you have to limit her time.

Make certain you only allow your playful inner child to come out. You do not want the pouter, whiner or tattler to emerge.