How to Know Benefits of Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy

How to Know Benefits of Cranial Sacral Massage Therapy

Cranial sacral therapy is the subtle massage and manipulation of the cranial bones and spine to encourage the body to return to natural cranial rhythms. Therapists, physicians, chiropractors and even dentists report that the treatment has a positive effect on illnesses as wide ranging as hip injury and personality disorders.


Understand the theoretical basis of cranial sacral therapy, which involves gentle movement of the spine to increase the regulated flow of cereobrospinal fluid throughout the body's central nervous system. The treatment requires the movement of cranial bones, parts of the spine and the sacrum, or triangular bone that rests in the middle of the pelvic bone.


Refer to cranial research and practitioner organizations such as the Cranial Academy and the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association to find research on conditions that the therapy benefits. These organizations claim that the treatment helps chronic pain in the neck and back, TMJ Syndrome, hip pain, long term effects of trauma, migraines and many other conditions.


Pay attention to the criticism of this therapy, especially when it comes to basic question as to whether cranial bones are mobile. This is the most important question regarding the potential benefit of cranial sacral therapy since the idea of cranial mobility underlies the entire system.


Watch a treatment session at one of the prominent cranial sacral centers such as the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation or the Upledger Institute. Alternatively, contact the Cranial Academy of the American Academy of Osteopathy to find a practitioner near you, so you can discuss the benefits and do a trial session with a practitioner.