How to Keep Yourself Healthy Even When Your Mate's Ill

How to Keep Yourself Healthy Even When Your Mate's Ill

One of the most difficult things about living with a sick mate isn't trying to take care of them; it's making sure you don't get what's ailing them. You can help to nurse your partner back to health while taking precautions to protect yourself.

Things You'll Need:


Vitamin C

Ginger ale

Chicken soup



Hand sanitizer


Tell your mate to alert you when she's feeling under the weather immediately, before a full-blown illness occurs.


Stock up on common homemade remedies such as ginger ale (for upset stomachs), vitamin C and chicken soup for your mate. For yourself, buy Airborne, echinacea and hand sanitizer. You can both benefit from throat lozenges and over-the-counter medicines.


Open up your home for fresh air (weather permitting) once you're home. Keep your home aerated.


Create a "get well" area in your home for your mate, such as your bedroom or a den, where he can have access to a bed or couch, television, magazines and bathroom.


Keep most of your doors open to cut down on the number of times your mate will spread germs to your doorknobs.


Separate personal items, such as pillowcases and toothbrushes, from the sick person. If your mate has been in bed all day, use a spare pillow and pillowcase from the linen closet or sleep in a different room.


Be extremely cautious about touching your eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Wash your hands thoroughly before you prepare food or eat anything, particularly after you've interacted with your mate or come into contact with anything he may have touched.


Establish a vitamin and supplement regimen that should last from the time your mate informs you of that she is not feeling well until after she has returned to health.

Tips & Warnings

Many people with sick mates still want to give their mate affection when they're sick. Though hugs and cuddling can be okay,
should be avoided until your mate is no longer contagious.